Paris: Moulin Rouge Riddle Solved (Tin Man Brings Home the Gold!)

The Finishing Touch: Dark Brilliance by Lentheric (Photo by Theadora Brack)

Betty Compson will tumble for you! (T.Brack’s photo archives)

By Theadora Brack

We came. We saw. We conquered with some smashing teamwork! Yes, with fishnets, ruby slippers, thinking caps, and bubbly, along with Olympic-worthy speed and skill, we solved last week’s Moulin Rouge Riddle!

The cinematic nut was cracked wide open, see. Thanks to Tin Man’s heart, wit, and swift responses, Team Bling brought home the gold. In three minutes flat, our Quiz Master answered two of the three questions correctly. Hip, Hip Hooray. Tin Man, Michael Phelps got nothing on you, sir.

Now, let’s roll out the answers

1. Who was the Assistant Director? Alfred Hitchcock

2. What was the name of the film? “Woman to Woman”

3. And who was the red-haired editor? Alma Reville

Meet the Dream Team (Bravo!)

Tales and Travels of the Tinman
Bel’ Occhio’s Blog
Another Thousand Words
Lanier Scents Memory
Help Me Rhonda
Thom Bradley
This Sydney Life (Resident Cheerleader!)

Alfred Hitchcock’s Woman to Woman (1923)

Hooked on Pop Quizzes? Check out Paris Paul’s Paris by Cellphone site. Don’t miss his “Where is it Wednesday” contests.  Bon Chance!

Stay on your toes

Early next week, we’ll return to the Moulin Rouge for one final spin on the floor boards. I’ll include a few more gossipy tidbits, photographs, and high-kicking dance routines.

In the meantime, here is a classic French cure for tired feet (or “dogs” as my grandmother Helen would say). So let’s chase the rust away with a green clay masque, shall we? Grab the ballpoint! Here’s our shopping list.


Half cup French green clay powder
Half cup water
3 drops olive oil
2 drops lavender oil

La Fée Verte

Next, crank up the ice machine and Erik Satie’s “Gymnopédies.” Trap a book and pour a tall glass of Pastis. Set aside. Proceed with the recipe. Blend ingredients and apply to feet. Cover with a plastic bag and wait 30 minutes. Elevate tootsies. Sip. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Chill thoroughly. Rinse.

Here’s the scoop: French green clay is quarried in the south of France. The color comes from iron oxides and decomposed (fossil) plants, mostly kelp, seaweed and algae, and is considered a mighty powerful external detoxifier. Your friends will be green with envy!

Now, go seize that moment in time and make it shine—clipping from Whitney Houston. Enjoy the games!

Chaque jour a son secret (Each day has a secret) at the Moulin Rouge

Jazz Baby, I can see your halo (Betty Compson)

Alfred Hitchcock’s Woman to Woman advertisement

43 thoughts on “Paris: Moulin Rouge Riddle Solved (Tin Man Brings Home the Gold!)

    • Oh. Yes. The French green clay powder is one of my favorite beauty secrets. Where to score a bag? I’d start with a health food joint or an organic beauty supply shop. It’s worth the quest! T. (It fun to create the mini-recipe. I channeled Shira and Julia Child!)


  1. I’M ON THE DREAM TEAM! I’M ON THE DREAM TEAM! I’M ON THE DREAM TEAM. My red satin slippers skipped me on to the podium. The roar of the crowd and Erik Satie’s piano music filled my ears. (Did we know Erik was a wordsmith. He even made up words to describe his work). I bow first to the Tin Man – winner of gold, then to Another Thousand Words. What a day. Virginia


    • Yes, you are on the DREAM TEAM!! Thanks for sharing the interesting tidbits about wordsmith Erik Satie. Here’s another one. Satie had a mad crush on Utrillo’s mother: the fabulous painter and model Suzanne Valadon. They lived on the same cobble stone street in Montmartre. Sweet story! T. (Off now to find my little booklet on Satie. Thanks for another brainstorming session, Virginia.)


    • Thanks, Krista! Yes, the vantage point has vanished. I love to compare the photographs and postcards. The “Chaque jour à son sécret” postcard was shot around 1958. Quite a bit of rehab work took place during the 1950s. This is when manager Georges France commissioned the brilliant painter Henri Mahé to paint the gorgeous murals. Yes, yes, I’m now obsessed with the Moulin Rouge!! T.


      • I don’t blame you, it’s so gorgeous at night! Plus, I loved watching the people line up to take their pictures in front of it. A show unto itself!


      • Place Blanche is a great people-watching spot. Especially at twilight. Ah, I remember your shot of the Moulin Rouge! You captured the spinning wheel in motion. It would be fun to include it with the future “M.R. Part 3.” I’d include a link to your “bite-sized travel” site. Let me know if you’re interested! If not, no sweat! T.


  2. T, you writing and your pictures is such a treat — a wonderful escape for me. I absolutely adore it — your musings, your wit and your wisdom about everything Paris!! I wish I had those posters and pics. I have this one picture of a woman — an old Parisian print that I’ve had for years that I just treasure, but your blog is always a feast for the eyes and spirit. BTW, where oh where do I find: Half cup French green clay powder in the US???? :).


    • Thanks, Brigitte!! As always, your thoughtful and witty words inspire me. Every time!! Thanks for that. I’m now smiling. And thinking about your Parisian print! When was it taken? Where did you find it? Does it have a story? T. (Regarding the French green clay powder, health food and organic beauty supply shops sometimes stock it. Amazon also lists it. It’s an affordable beauty treatment. I also apply it to my face, neck and hands.)


  3. Until just a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of Betty Compson, but now I’m wondering how I made it this far in life withOUT ever hearing of her! Thanks for expanding our realm of things to think about!


    • Thank YOU!! I’m now off to visit your site. I’m very curious!! By the way, I loved your recent “Boo Radley” shots of the trees. Also, your “Under the L Train Tracks” was another magnificent image. You are in a creative zone!! B.


    • I know! Betty Compson was a looker. I also added a shout out to the Moulin Rouge Part I. Trying to help spread the word. Not that you need it. Enjoy the merry month of August!! T.


    • Well, thank you!! Here’s the situation: I’m a flea market junkie. The problem: I’m running out of space in my display cabinet. The solution? Perhaps buy a second display cabinet! By the way, I love how you organize your site with the “situation,” the “problem,” and the “solution.” Very clever and helpful, too. Enjoy the week, Theadora


      • Thanks for the feedback regarding the way I organize my blog posts. I have to admit the system helps me organize my thoughts and helps the ideas flow. My intent is also to make the reading easier for the reader. I think it is working because I have had several people comment how they like the way it is organized. Thanks again!


    • Merci!! Say, your shot of Pont Alexandre III featured today is amazing. It’s another stunner, as usual. I’m now humming Adele’s “Someone Like You” song. Have you seen the video? It was shot on the bridge. It’s also a beauty. Enjoy the week!! T.


      • cheers, T. Thank you for your beautiful words.


      • Thank you, Theadora!

        Well, it was almost Lipstick and Chaucer! Thank goodness I thought about it a little longer.
        I wanted a name that depicted my unique (?) perspective as an academic and beauty enthusiast. I have worked in a small beauty shop throughout college and even before. For a long time I felt almost as if I was leading a double life: spending hours analyzing Middle English prose and then zipping over to educate strangers on the nuances of organic shampoos at work.
        Hairspray and Hemingway bridges the gap between the two sort of polarized parts of my life, a place where I can talk about both hairspray and Hemingway. 🙂


  4. Pingback: Paris Tips: A Scents and Sensitivity Day Tour « People, Places and Bling!

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